Reasons to Read A Confederacy of Dunces

John Kennedy Toole posthumous Pulitzer Prize winning novel may pack a punch when it comes to page count, but the book is well worth the investment. Here are just four of the many reasons to read A Confederacy of Dunces.

It paints a picture of New Orleans like few novels can. Toole’s near perfect portrayal of the city is one of the novel’s many highlights. From the streets of the French Quarter to characters that walk it, few authors have managed to capture the essence of the city quite like Toole.

It stays true to the dialect of its setting. New Orleans has a very distinct dialect that Toole manages to perfectly reproduce in his novel. It lends the story a certain amount of authenticity, one that can only come from an author who lives and breathes all things New Orleans.

The cast of characters. New Orleans is definitely an interesting place, and that’s due in no small part to its interesting inhabitants. Toole does a terrific job of present a wide array, and they’re definitely all kinds of interesting.

It nearly never made publication. Tootle took his own life before the novel ever saw publication, and it was only thanks to the efforts of Southern writer Walker Percy that the book made it to print years later. The odds alone are an excellent reason to read this great work.

Looking for some comedic content? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.

Tips For Writing Comedy

We all love to have a good laugh but coming up with the right jokes isn’t always an easy task. Here are four tips for writing comedy that just might help!

Work with a partner. You may be at your best when you’re alone, but more often than not brainstorming and bouncing ideas is the best way to get the creative juices flowing. Find a partner and start cranking out the comedy!

Young positive thinking woman.

Test your material time and time again. Humor is subjective, and what’s funny to you may not necessarily be funny to others. Test your material, test it often, and test it on different audiences, only then will you know what works and what doesn’t.

Read everything you can get your hands on, humorous or otherwise. The more stuff you know, the more material you have to make fun of. Humor doesn’t necessarily have to be 100% accurate all the time, but the right head scratching fact may just be good for a laugh.

positive and negative expressions

Write often, even when you don’t want to. Putting pen to paper when inspiration strikes is all well and good, but sometimes the key to quality is through quantity, revising what’s worth keeping and discarding the rest. Making a habit of writing, even when you don’t want to, is the best way to ensure that material keeps coming.

Looking for some comedic content? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more, accessible anytime from your favorite devices.

How to be Funnier

It’s no crime, some of us just want to make people laugh! But not everyone is born with the natural charm and charisma of a stand up comic, and not everyone can pull out the perfect punchline on demand. For those looking to be just a little bit funnier, here are four tips on how to become a little funnier every day.

Take in stand up shows. A little inspiration never hurt anyone, and stand up shows are not just a great way to get in a few good laughs, they’re a fantastic place to take notes on how to be funny.

Stand Up Comedy neon sign

Read a lot of jokes. Delivery is essential, but you need the right material to deliver. The internet is packed to the brim with jokes of all kind, but for a more curated collection a better bet may be a well-reviewed book from the library.

Practice in front of the mirror. Fine tune your performance before taking it on the road by practicing your jokes in front of the mirror. From facial expressions to intonation, the slightest switch can have a big impact on the hilarity of your joke.

live, love, laugh - reminder notes

Don’t try too hard. If it’s forced it won’t feel right, take it slow and let things come naturally. Comedians take years to hone their craft, after all.

Looking for some hilarious reads? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from all your favorite devices, and sure to put a smile on your face!

Hilarious Holiday Reads

The holidays don’t have to be a particularly serious time, and for those looking to unwind and let loose this holiday season the right book may just do the trick. For those who prefer to laugh it up over a good read by the fire, here are three of the many books that are bound to crack you up this holiday season.

Boyfriend and girlfriend surprised smiling watching comedy movie at cinema.

Holiday on Ice by David Sedaris. A regular contributor to the New Yorker and National Public Radio’s This American Life, Sedaris can pen satire like few other and was once named America’s Favorite Humorist by Time Magazine. Holidays on Ice is a collection of essays on Christmas, as twisted as they come, from one of the funniest authors alive.

I Like You: Hospitality Under The Influence by Amy Sedaris. Not to be outdone by her brother David (yes, it’s a very funny family!) Amy Sedaris pens her own holiday hilarity in I Like You: Hospitality Under The Influence. An extremely talented and hilarious author in her own right, Amy Sedaris entertains with her guide to entertaining, complete with anecdotes and hilarious suggestions.

Online movie stream with mobile device. Man watching film on tablet with imaginary video player service.

I’m Dreaming of a Black Christmas by Lewis Black. A New York Times bestselling author and regular contributor to the Daily Show, Lewis Black tears apart the tradition of the holidays piece by piece and suggests his own substitutes. A must-read from this often angry and blatantly belligerent comic, but be warned, you’ll never look at the holidays the same way again.

For more hilarity, check out the wide variety of reads at

Five Fun Facts About Charlie Chaplin

Well known and loved throughout the world to this very day, Charlie Chaplin is nothing short of a pioneer and an icon in the world of comedy. Here are five fun facts about the famous comedian.

A reasonable facsimile. As legend has it, at the very height of his fame and popularity Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest in France, likely assuming he was a shoo-in. He wasn’t. In fact, Chaplin placed 20th in the contest.

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A communist? Charlie Chaplin was once the subject of an investigation by MI5. The investigation began at the request of the FBI, who were in fact trying to ban Chaplin from entering the US under suspicions that he was a communist sympathiser. The investigation did not produce any damning evidence, however.

A notable first. Charlie Chaplin was the first actor to appear on the cover of Time Magazine. Prior to the July 6, 1925 publication the covers has primarily featured politicians, industrialists, and authors.

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An unusual doorstop. Although his views would later change, early on in his career Charlie Chaplin didn’t think very fondly of the Academy Awards. In fact, his first Academy Award received in 1929 had a special use in his home, as a doorstop.

A prolific procreator. Chaplin left behind not only a considerable catalogue of work but a plethora of progeny as well. Over his 4 marriages Chaplin fathered 11 children, the youngest being born when Chaplin was 73 years old.

Looking for more hilarity? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more.

How to make each other laugh in hard times

Life doesn’t always go to plan and unfortunate things can happen to all of us when we least expect it. However, even in the hardest of times, a laugh can solve anything. Laughter really is the best medicine, and if you’re struggling, here are some ways to make each other laugh.

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Plan a comedy movie night – There are thousands of comedy movies available and if you’re in need of a pick me up, watch them one after the other. You can plan a full movie night in with a long list of must-see movies and mountain of snacks. Can you really beat a movie night to make you smile?

Go to a comedy show – Alternatively, you can buy tickets to a comedy night. There are plenty on wherever you may live; at bars, theaters, and festivals. Research what is on in your local area and get yourself some good tickets – you’ll be guaranteed to laugh for hours.

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Play a prank –You can’t get a better stomach laugh than playing a prank on one another. If you’re not creative, research pranks online as there are plenty out there, and I’m sure you’ll find one that’ll make your other half or family members laugh.

Make some terrible jokes– The silly jokes are sometimes the best. Create a few of those and you’ll be laughing for hours.

Never stop laughing with all the comedy content over at Sign up today for a variety of comedy eBooks, audiobooks, music and more.

How to see the good in every day

Whether you’re going through a hard time or generally struggling to find the positive in things, we’ve got a few tips on how to see the good in every day.

Write down what you’re grateful for– Either at the beginning or end of each day, write a few things down you’re grateful for. It could be anything at all, but noting it down will really change your perspective on the negative things running through your mind.

Change a negative to a positive– When something bad happens, we naturally think negatively about a situation instead of thinking of the future, and the positive outcomes a situation brings. Whatever has happened, switch your mind from negative to positive.

Compliment someone– There’s no better way to spread positivity and seeing good, than sharing your positivity with someone else. Compliment someone everyday, whether it’s someone you’re close to or a stranger in the street. It’ll make their day and can give you a little boost as they thank you.Viewhall 1.jpg

Do a kind act – The world has enough bad news, that a little bit of kindness can go a long way. It can be helping an older lady with her shopping, buying your mum flowers or offering advice to friends  – whatever you choose, it’ll sure be to make someone’s day and make you feel good.

Keep smiling– You’re never fully dressed without a smile, and by smiling at people and to yourself, it’ll make you feel happy.

Need a good laugh? Discover humor based books, music and more at Sign up today for laughter at all hours!

Get Ready For A Ride Of Humorous Jokes With Viewhall

How much do you laugh in a day? If your answer is infinite times, then you are on a right track. But if in any case, your answer is just the opposite, then you really need to think over this. Viewhall is an online library which comprises eBooks, audiobooks, and music that will create a riot of laughter. Fun driven stories that will give you a stopless laugh. Jokes that will make you hold your stomach while laughing can be accessed through the library.

Laughter is the best medicine. It has the power to heal any pain in the world. A smile can make you a gentle human being and can help you conquer hearts. One of the books named ‘The art of being normal’ describes the mess that is being created therein which in turn cracks thousands of senseless jokes. Apart from this, there are other eBooks also which will spread the humor among readers within seconds. Humorous content with funny images will set your mood crazy.

If you have done with the reading, there are audiobooks waiting for you. The library gets updated regularly, so readers will find every day something new to laugh on. If you have a fantasy of listening to songs, then there is a good stuff available. The engrossing collection of songs will uplift your mood and make you feel rejuvenated. The website can be reached through any browser 24/7 with an internet connection on your device.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up at Viewhall and spread the humor. Enjoy reading!

Laugh Your Worries Away With Viewhall

We all are aware of the saying that ‘laughter is the best medicine’ and the wonders that a good hearty laugh can do is not a thing to be argued. If you are a bibliophile with a special love for humorous and witty books then viewhall is the site where you should head to. This online reading forum offers you an unlimited access to humour content that is bound to give you a great time.

You can start exploring Viewhall with Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty, which follows the journey of three separate women, each standing on a crossroad. Even if you are familiar with the TV Series and the movies based on this book, it is highly recommended that you go through this one as this is the origin. You will give you an insight into the lives of three main characters and in turn help to understand your own life in a better way. It presents an engaging account of second wives and ex-husbands, daughters and mothers and also the little but dangerous lies we tell ourselves every day simply to win the game of survival.

You can never move on to Too Cool for This School by Kristen Tracy. This one is an amazing novel about middle school friendships, fitting in, family and knowing what one is when no one else is watching. The story revolves around the life of Lane Cisco and how things take a turn when her cousin comes to visit her family.

These are only a few books available on Viewhall; sign up today to get access to more.

A Cotton Candy Cloud Of Fluffiness: I’ve Got Your Number By Sophie Kinsella

What happens when you lose your priceless heirloom emerald engagement ring, have your phone stolen, and see a phone in a garbage can? Poppy decides its fair game, and takes possession of the phone and works on keeping her life in order.  She quickly discovers that the phone was tossed as an assistant quit her job and walked out of a conference.

Poppy hides her missing ring from her future in-laws and fiancé and convinces Sam that she will forward him messages and emails and act as a sort of stand-in assistant until she can find her ring and get a new phone. Having full access to someone’s phone and in-box can be a pretty personal thing, and Poppy quickly gets to know and grows to like Sam, despite his short messages and lack of smiley face usage.

The book is really well done. Kinsella writes stories that keep moving, keep you guessing, and have surprises galore. Very light, makes you smile, is the perfect once in a rare while treat, and it’s oh so sweet. Enjoy this chick lit read at Viewhall.

The book is told entirely from our heroine’s point of view, her use of footnotes throughout the story is absolutely delightful and added a nice touch to the novel. Rejoice this laugh-out-loud plot at Viewhall. There’s only a few authors who manage to make you smile and cry at the same time and Kinsella is one of them.