Allie Brosh: Stand-Up Comedy in Book Form

As far as blogs go, few have been funnier than Hyperbole and a Half, Allie Brosh’s autobiographical offering that manages to maintain its overall hilarity despite occasionally dealing with difficult topics like crippling depression. A mix of humorously written posts and intentionally crude drawings, Brosh has amassed legions of fans over the past decade, with her site often being called one of the funniest on the internet and her posts shared widely on social media. Brosh herself has even been called one of the most creative and influential people on the internet, this despite “living like a recluse in her Bend, Oregon, bedroom” as she puts it. In 2013 Brosh sat down with NPR’s Terry Gross for an interview on Fresh Air. Asked about her writing style, here’s what Brosh had to say:

“I would describe it as stand-up comedy in book form. I feel like my writing style is sort of the result of me subconsciously trying to replicate the feel of stand-up comedy. I was very frustrated when I first started writing that there wasn’t that physicality to it. It was more one-dimensional than stand-up comedy, in which you can rely on tone and facial expressions, body posture. And I wanted to find some way to commit that to the page. Drawing fixed all of those problems.”

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